Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Project Learn School Brochure is a Big Hit!

By: Elie Lubin

  Project Learn, has a beautiful, colorful, wonderful, brochure. The brochure was made, because it is an easy way for people to learn about the school without coming in. The brochure quotes what kids and grown-ups say about the school. It helps make publicity for the school. Sometimes people pick up the brochure at coffee shops, bookstores, and other kinds of shops. They read it, call Aisha Anderson-Oberman, the Admissions Director, and schedule a time to tour the school.
      The main headline of the brochure is “A Cooperative School Community” It tells about the different activities, classes, and other fun stuff that is happening at P.L. It tells: How we are cooperative school community, academics, facts about the school, and the mission statements. It also tells about why the parents and teachers think that the school is good. Here is a quote: “At Project Learn, the kids get to choose some of what they learn, and some of the activities that they get to do.”
     There is a committee that puts the brochure together, and they are called the Marketing Committee. The names of the people that are on the Marketing Committee: Donna Waxler, the chair, leader of the Committee, and, Janet Gala, Jordan Shapiro, Shawnee Brown, and Aisha Anderson-Oberman. They talk about what to put in the brochure, like the answers to the questions that people ask a lot. They also talk about other things that are happening, and worthwhile to hear about. The committee puts the brochure out in the different places you see them. After they are ready online, they print it, in color. When that’s done, the committee takes it to a professional printing company, and have it printed there.
      The brochure is a helpful thing used for many reasons. All of the reasons are important, so the brochure does a lot of good for the school. When the brochure is made for the year, people see it, and love it, and that is what the school tries to do, bring smiles to peoples faces, (And help them learn.) so we feel happy at the school, knowing we have done our job.

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